Greek Folk Dance
Registration is now open for the 2024-25 Greek Dance Program! Please use the QR code or CLICK HERE for all of the details. We will start practices on August 25th following liturgy and will also hold a parent informational meeting at the same time. We look forward to another successful year! Please reach out to if you have any questions.

FDF 2024
Youth Greek Dance:
Here is a mock-up of our program t-shirts. These will be ordered in November after registration closes and then distributed accordingly. Parents registering their child(ren) will have the option to purchase additional shirts during the registration process. If you are not registering for the program and would still like to purchase a shirt for $25, please send an email with the subject line "Greek Dance Shirt Order - <NAME>" and in the body of the email include how many shirts you would like and the size(s) to
Additionally, this year after many requests, we will be launching limited adult only dance classes/workshops. There is no action to be taken now, but please stay tuned for separate info on that with its own registration.
We look forward to another successful year of faith, dance and fellowship!
All the best,
Nicole Ossey
Greek Dance Program Director
Welcome to a new year of Greek folk dancing. We are delighted to have you and/or your child in the dance group program and look forward to an exciting year. Please read the following dance policies and procedures. We hope the terms outlined below will help all of you to understand the dance ministry and meet the expectations.
Mission Statement
Holy Trinity’s Greek Dance program seeks to strengthen and create lifetime bonds between the youth of our community through the treasure of folk dance. Encouraging youth to appreciate aspects of our rich Hellenic culture, our program is tailored to make learning and dance the very best experience for all who participate!
Dance Program
The Greek Folk Dance Program of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Portland, Oregon is an integral part of the ministry of our church. The primary purposes of this ministry are to bring our youth and their parents together in Greek Orthodox Christian fellowship; to help our youth develop strong moral, ethical, and leadership standards; and to promote and perpetuate Greek heritage and culture. Each and every ministry of the church is guided by a set of rules and standards that are intended to help us all live and grow in a standard befitting the ideas of Greek Orthodox Christianity under the guidance of our Proistemenos.
FDF – Faith, Dance, and Fellowship
The Greek Orthodox Folk Dance & Choral Festival takes place in February (President’s weekend). The dance practices post-Greek Festival, in the fall and winter are dedicated to practicing for the two FDF performances. Dancer participation and the associated personal expenses of attending FDF are the responsibility of each dancer and parent. Refer to for additional information on FDF.
FDF Fundraising
Fundraisers are a partnership between the dancers, parents and board members. The purpose is not only to raise money, but to develop fellowship and instill in our dancers a sense of ownership and responsibility by being active participants alongside their parents in raising the funds necessary to attend FDF.
Beyond FDF – Dancer Participation
All dancers and instructors are expected to participate at the Greek Festival (October) and occasional events at Holy Trinity or the community at large, throughout the year. These performances may include Oxi Day, Greek Independence Day, and any dance program fundraiser.
All dancers and instructors are also required to participate in the annual Diakonia project. This Diakonia project promotes the importance of service to the community by encouraging our youth to come together and give back to those in need.