Men's Ministry


Updated April 13th, 2024

Hello All,

Thanks for the rich discussion and interaction at our last meeting.

We will hold May's meeting on Saturday May 18 at 9AM.  Details will follow.

Next Project: Presanctifiied Liturgy meal.  If you are attending the Presanctified Liturgy this Wednesday April 17 we can use a few additional hands to set up, serve and cleanup after the meal.  Please contact me if you can help out with any of these tasks - it will help us out a lot.  

Also, for those of you who have volunteered to take a Pascha gift bag to one of our parishioners, please remember to pick up your package tomorrow after the gifts have been blessed following Liturgy.  If you aren't able to be at Church tomorrow, come to the office sometime next week pick it up from Gail. Please call up the person you are visiting prior to dropping off the gift and arrange a time to visit.

Thanks, Steve

Upcoming Men's Ministry 2024 Events:

(In addition to the monthly meeting gatherings)

April 17 - Presanctified Service Lenten meal prep
August 3 - Camp Agape Setup
August 8 - Camp Agape Teardown
August 18 - Church Picnic
November 8-10 - Annual Retreat