Music Ministry
Music is a crucial component of the Orthodox worship experience. The Music Ministry at Holy Trinity is comprised of two main groups: a four-part choir and Byzantine chant group. You may join one or both. We are always looking for new singers to be part of our community. Serving the music ministry is a wonderful way to learn the hymns of our faith and an opportunity for connection and fellowship. Please contact Photini or Jonas with any questions. We’d love to get you involved!
Loft Choir
Directed by Jonas Williams
Rehearses on Wednesdays 7:30-9pm
Serves Sunday Liturgy (9:30am-noon)
3-4 part settings using western staff notation
Chant Choir
Directed by Photini Downie Robinson
Rehearses on Saturdays at 3:30, followed by Great Vespers (5-6pm)
All services, sacraments, feast days: chanters serve according to availability.
Byzantine notation (come learn with us if this is new to you!)
Listen to our Loft Choir sing the hymn of our parish:
Evlogitόs ei, Christé o Theόs imόn
(Blessed are you, Christ our God)
If you would like to join one of our choirs, please contact:
Jonas Williams, Choir Director
Photini Downie Robinson, Protopsaltria